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15 Household Items Perfect for Your Summer Cleaning Routine

While spring cleaning tends to overshadow other seasonal chores, summer offers a fantastic opportunity to address overlooked areas in your living space. From vacations to outdoor escapades, summer's vibrant energy can sometimes divert our attention from cleaning tasks. We've compiled a definitive list of 15 household items you should focus on this summer.

Essential Summer Cleaning Checklist:

1. Pillows

Many are unsure of how to maintain clean pillows. A simple wash and tumble dry will do for feathers, down, or polyester fiberfill pillows. However, foam pillows should be hand-washed. Given the summertime sweat, washing pillows becomes even more essential. And when you're ready to store your extra pillows, consider using a storage unit at Ez Rent A Space, the leading self storage facility in Opp, AL.

2. Microwave

Even though a microwave sees regular use, deep cleaning is often overlooked. Steam its insides by microwaving a bowl of water, then wipe away the grime as a part of your storage facility plans, and clean and store seldom-used kitchen appliances.

3. Vacuum Filters

The necessity of cleaning vacuum filters often puzzles homeowners. Warm water should suffice for most filters. Remember to clean them more frequently during summer to tackle increased indoor dirt.

4. Air Conditioner

Keep the outer surface clean by wiping it and disinfecting buttons. Regularly cleaning the front filter ensures efficient functionality. At summer's end, safely store your unit at Ez Rent A Space, a trusted self storage facility.

5. Fans

Electric fans attract dust rapidly. Unplug and dust off the blades, then clean the outer parts. When not in use, such appliances can be housed in storage units for safekeeping.

6. Humidifier

Regularly cleaning the humidifier's reservoir is vital. The wick requires a cold water soak and thorough air drying. Always refer to the user manual for specific care instructions.

7. Air Purifier

Most air purifiers possess two filters. While the pre-filter needs cleaning every few weeks, the HEPA filter typically requires annual replacement, especially during summer when air quality drops.

8. Dishwasher Filter

Although not the most pleasant task, cleaning dishwasher filters is vital. After removing the filter, a soak and scrub in hot water should suffice.

9. Remote Controls

Weekly disinfection of remotes and game controllers ensures hygiene. After disassembling, clean every part diligently, paying special attention to buttons and crevices.

10. Cutting Board

Post-BBQ season, cutting boards need a thorough cleaning. After a wash, wooden ones benefit from mineral oil conditioning, ensuring their longevity and appearance.

11. Cast Iron Pan

Despite its durable nature, a cast iron pan requires special care. Avoiding soaking and soaps, a simple scrub with sea salt post-cooking ensures a clean pan is ready for its next use.

12. Reusable Grocery Bags

Summer is an ideal time to refresh reusable bags. Canvas bags can be machine washed, while others might need hand cleaning. Regularly disinfect bags that carry perishables.

13. Light Switches

Sticky fingers are synonymous with summer. Regularly wiping down switches and covers ensures cleanliness. Using a cleaning agent on a cloth, rather than directly on the switch, prevents any electrical mishaps.

14. Pet Essentials

Summer amplifies pet mess. Washing beds, dishes, and toys ensure cleanliness. Ensure that toys and dishes are dishwashers safe before attempting to machine wash.

15. Bathroom Walls

Toilet flushes can lead to microscopic splatters. Regularly cleaning walls, especially during guest-filled summers, ensures hygiene. And if you're considering remodeling or decluttering, think of storage units at Ez Rent A Space for temporary or long-term solutions.

In conclusion, while summer offers fun and relaxation, it's also a golden opportunity to address household cleaning tasks. And for any storage needs, remember that Ez Rent A Space, located at 105 S College St, Opp, AL 36467, United States, offers the best self storage facility solutions.


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Ez Rent A Space
1111A Rucker Blvd, Enterprise, AL 36330, USA
(334) 373-0076

Ez Rent A Space
105 S College St, Opp, AL 36467, United States
(334) 423-4729


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